Gaia Essential’s Weblog

December 31, 2010

The Year 2010 Wrap Up

Filed under: Natural Products, Shopping Local, Skincare, Thank You — Tags: , , , — gaiaessentials @ 2:05 pm

Here we are at the close of another year and the reflection of it. I cannot be more thankful to all of you who patronize and support Gaia Essentials, without you there would be no success and growth. However I need to put out an special heart felt thank-you to Tobie Ross. Without her help this year would of been disastrous. She was the backbone that handled all the physical requirements that I could not do and that is a lot of work. Tobie, I love you and thank you! Good luck wherever the winds blow you. 🙂 *toast*

A heads up for 2011

Gaia Essentials will be going through some positive changes for the New Year with two apprentices coming on-board to help steer the coarse. My youngest daughter Ann has driven cross country to come help her Mom out and brought along a friend Russ. They will pick up where Tobie has left off and then some. Expect to see Gaia Essentials attended more Farmer’s Market’s as well as local Festivals again. I know we had to skip them in 2010, but with the help these two bring we are back. We will also be looking into placing our products into some select retail outlets for convenience.
Also Gaia Essential’s website will soon be sporting a new look and feel thanks to Jason Sutherland of Peninsula Shops. It will be full of updated features with an easy to use format, yes, I have heard you all and we are finally getting it done. 🙂

Once again, Thank You all and have a wonderful New Year!

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